What to Expect

Planning for your first visit.

At Montshire Pediatric Dentistry, we are excited to welcome you and your family! From the moment you walk through our doors, you can expect friendly, personalized attention from every member of our team. We understand that a child's first visit to the dentist can be a big deal, and we're dedicated to making it a positive and enjoyable experience for the whole family.

Before your first visit...

Prior to your visit please gather the documents listed below. Then bring them along with you to your first appointment. This allows you to be fully present to support your child, without needing to complete paperwork or search for documents.

Completed Patient Forms

Fill out and sign all patient forms to expedite check-in.

Insurance Card / Information

If you are insured bring your current insurance card for verification and billing.

List of Current Medications and Medical Conditions

Be ready to list all medications and medical conditions to aid in providing the best possible care.

Most Recent X-rays

Bring recent x-rays (if you have them) for better assessment of dental health.

During your first visit...

Your first visit includes a comprehensive exam in which our doctor will talk to you about your dental and medical history and note any questions or concerns you may have. Please note that patients must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during all visits. We want to meet with both of you to discuss findings and treatments, and to address your questions and concerns.

Take Full Mouth X-rays

We'll take x-rays to spot any current issues and create a baseline for future visits. The American Dental Association recommends a full series every three years.

Oral Exam

We'll check your child's gum health, look for cavities, and assess the condition of any existing dental work.

Physical Exam

We'll perform a head and neck exam, checking salivary glands and lymph nodes for abnormalities, and screen for oral cancer and TMJ (jaw joint) issues.

Clean and Polish Teeth

This process removes plaque, tartar, and stains that regular brushing can’t. Our gentle approach ensures a comfortable experience.

Create a Care Plan

After the exam and cleaning, our doctor will discuss the findings, answer any questions, and create a regular checkup schedule and treatment plan if needed. If specialist care is required, we’ll provide a referral.


What makes Montshire special?
Our patients say it best.

"How many people can say they loved a trip to the dentist? I’m now one of them."

Jessica B.

"Compassionate, Skilled dental care. Can you imagine your child looking forward to seeing their dentist?"

Margaret K.

"I soooo appreciate the non-invasive approach they have. First dentist I’ve encountered that doesn’t want to do 10,000 things with my 6 year old’s baby teeth!"

Katie A.

"My daughter walked in crying and as we drove away asked if we can go to the dentist tomorrow. Thank you for making our experience so positive."

Stanley H.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know (almost).